Monday, March 23, 2009

Thesis page

I keep forgetting the stupid link so

Adrian Tomine

The Heart of a Broken Story

EVERY day Justin Horgenschlag, thirty-dollar-a-week printer’s assistant, saw at close quarters approximately sixty women whom he had never seen before. Thus in the few years he had lived in New York, Horgenschlag had seen at close quarters about 75,120 different women. Of these 75,120 women, roughly 25,000 were under thirty years of age and over fifteen years of age. Of the 25,000 only 5,000 weighed between one hundred five and one hundred twenty-five pounds. Of these 5,000 only 1,000 were not ugly. Only 500 were reasonably attractive; only 100 of these were quite attractive; only 25 could have inspired a long, slow whistle. And with only 1 did Horgenschlag fall in love at first sight.....


Google map experiment

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pixel filter

I'm so upset I never thought of this. So beautiful and smart. Hello inspiration.

Aram Bartholl

TV-Filter from aram bartholl on Vimeo.

google in space

This is great.

Helmut Smits

I saw some of this stuff in a new book I bought, Tactile, which has been very inspiring to me. Zipper linked me to his page.
Helmut Smits

As a side note--My inability to properly edit the html in blogger is pissing me off.

ING, Puma and Lacoste logos placed on various locations in The Netherlands. Followed by a "dead pixel" on google earth followed by a pump placed in potholes that creates fountains when it rains